The German Green Party
As a group we met in the computer lab so we could all use the internet to look up information. We all kind of worked as individuals looking for information and than transferred the information to the slides that we used for the presentation. We all mainly used the internet to grab all the information that we found relevant for the presentation and that as we made the slides we input we had read and learned.
The Green party is kind of a niche party in my own personal opinion. Like in the USA the Green party is followed by people who are very environmentally friendly and take in all actions that are done to the environment as a whole. The Green Party stands for values such as no use of Nuclear Energy. This was a large factor for the Green Party because when the incident happened at Grenoble the percentage of votes the Green party received went up slightly.(Encyclopedia Britannic) I for one am for the Nuclear Energy because when it is working and there is no problems it is the best type of energy. Yes you may argue the wind or water are great sources but when you look at the large scale the amount that could be produced by Nuclear at the same cost as using the alternative ways, than Nuclear stand out. Another one of their large avocations in the Green Party is that they are very anti-war or anti-involvement in war. This is another topic in which I don't agree with Party. I understand that war is bad and never to be underestimated but sometimes war is a necessity. Yes in a perfect world there would be no war, but this world isn't perfect so countries must have and maintain vast armies and always be at the ready. If you don't prove to be a formidable foe or fail to have an army what is there to stop other countries from walking all over you. Again nobody wants war, but that doesn't mean you can't stop preparing for it.
The stance that the Green Party has is almost polar opposite of what my opinion is on the factors that are there biggest stand points. One aspect that we could agree on the the no future use of Nuclear weapons. The use of these type of weapons creates effects that are well past the point of war. These are actions that are unforgivable and for the USA to have done it is absurd. The USA is the only the only country that could have got away with such an act. They commit this act and than they make the declaration that no one is to use this weapon ever again and will be prosecuted by NATO if they do so.
"Green Party of Germany (political Party, Germany)." Encyclopedia Britannica Online.
Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 19 Sept. 2012.
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